Thursday, August 30, 2012

Big hairy goals

Jeg har en kopi av minneordet til Betty Penn-Bull (Kennelgarth), hentet fra Dog World, hengende i mitt trimmerom. Det ble skrevet av Catherine Owen, og har også tre korte avskedsoppmersomheter fra Nellie Holland, Marina Guidetti og Nellie Taylor.

Jeg forstår, noe du sikkert setter pris på, at jeg aldri selv kan komme nærheten av å produsere de resultatene som Betty Penn-Bull oppnådde i min lille kennel her oppe i bittelille, ubetydelige Norge: Men denne kopien fra Dog World gir meg noe å strekke meg etter - hver gang jeg går inn i rommet. Store, digre, feite, hårete mål er til oppmuntring for meg. 

I´ve got a copy of M:s Betty Penn-Bull´s (Kenelgarth) obituary, from Dog World, hanging in my grooming room. It was written by Catherine Owen, and also has three short obituary notices by Nellie Holland, Marina Guidetti and Nellie Taylor.

I understand, as you probably can appreciate, that I´ll never even come close to producing the results achieved by Betty Penn-Bull in my small kennel in the outback of Europe: But this sheet of paper gives me something to stretch for every time I enter the room. Big fat hairy goals are encouraging to me.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Handling in Horten

Training ringcraft at Horten (Norway) on Saturday and Sunday. From left in picture(s): Gunn with Duff, Berit with Agnes (Tatler Tickled Pink) and finally yours truly with Hamish (Sir Darnley´s Undercover Urchin).

Click on photo to enlarge!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

New Scottie journal

Skotteårboka er nå så godt som klar til trykk. Jeg har lagt siste hånd på verket i kveld. (Klokka er nå 23:58). Jeg har designet og produsert Skotteårbøkene (i samarbeid med raserepresentantene) siden 2008. 

Årboka kan kjøpes på årets Open Show på Mule Varde den 8. september, eller sendes etter til rasens sittende raserepresentant: Guri Hafsten Aalerud, Slemmestadveien 119, 1394 Nesbru Tlf: 90 65 59 47 e-post:

The Scottie yearbook is now almost ready to print. I have made the finishing touches this evening. (The time is now 11:58 p.m.). I`ve designed and produced the journals (in collaboration with the breed representatives) since 2008.

The yearbook may be purchased at this year's Open Show at Mule Varde on the 8th. September or can be sent for. Contact the
breed representative: Guri Hafsten Aalerud, Slemmestadveien 119, 1394 Nesbru. Tel: + 47 90 65 59 47 e-mail:

HUDSON - 11 years old

Nordic Ch, Nordic Winner-06, VWW-10 DUNDEE DARK FOREST
(Ch DUNDEE Cool Trooper x Ch DUNDEE Always Polite). My first Scottie ever, Hudson - 11 years old, is RARING TO GO to the breed specials in Norway and Sweden in September. WOOF!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Hamish entertaining himself

My Scottie-posse brought back this old piece of black rope from a walk last winter. It´s been in the garden ever since. They love playing with it. Especially Hamish (Sir Darnley´s Undercover Urchin). He loves to entertain himself with it. It just goes to show that expensive dog toys from the pet shop are unneccesary - and certainly never last as long as this rope has!

Friday, August 10, 2012

My NMSTC-interview, with Maren Bichel-Schnock

- Please scroll for copy in English!

For tredje år på rad har Nellie Taylor (Wildermist) bedt meg om å lage et intervju med en kjent skotteoppdretter til klubbens (North Midlands Scottish Terrier Club) årbok. I år ble det Maren Bichel-Schnock (Sir Darnley´s) sin tur. Hele intervjuet publiseres i årboka senere i høst, men her kommer en liten forsmak.

Peter: Ser du noen nye trender i skotteverden som du enten liker eller misliker? 
Maren: For øyeblikket misliker jeg mer enn jeg liker, er jeg redd. Jeg føler at vi er i ferd med å miste de store personlighetene og de virkelige skotteoppdretterene. De menneskene med stort engasjement, som vil satse på utviklingen av rasen vår.

Jeg elsker utstillinger. For meg er dette den beste muligheten til å sammenligne mine egne hunder med andres og å se utviklingen i rasen. I dag virker det noen ganger som om en spektakulær presentasjon er viktigere enn kvalitet og korrekt rasetype. (...)

For the third consecutive year, Nellie Taylor (Wildermist), has asked me to make ​​an interview with a prominent Scottie breeder for her club's (North Midlands) journal. This year was Maren Bichel-Schnock (Sir Darnley's) turn. The whole interview will be published in the journal this autumn, here is a little teaser for you:

Peter: Do you see any new trends in the Scottie world that you either like, or dislike?
Maren: At the moment there is more that I dislike, I’m afraid. I feel that we are running out of the real Scottish Terrier breeder personalities. Those people who live for the breed, with commitment to the development of our breed. 

I love dog shows. For me they are the best possibility to compare my own dogs with others and also to see the development of the breed. Nowadays sometimes a spectacular presentation seems to be more important than quality and correct breed type. (...)


Photo: Sir Darnley's Olivia Offbeat Obsession (Ch. From Dash Mountain Farm's Merlin x Ch. Darnley's Kiss-Curl Kylie) winning Female Veteran Class, at the German Scottie Special this year. Judge was Geoff Dawson (USA).

Vintage Scottie Thermometer

I promised you a photo of this vintage piece a few weeks ago. How time flies.

I found this unique old thermometer in an antique shop in Sweden when I was on holiday there a few weeks ago. Interestingly it´s both in the Celcius- and the Rankine scale. At least I think it´s the Rankine - it could also be the Römer- or Réaumur scale.

Rankine is a thermodynamic temperature scale named after the Glasgow University engineer and physicist William John Macquorn Rankine, who proposed it in 1859.

The symbol for degrees Rankine is °R. Zero on both the Kelvin and Rankine scales is absolute zero, but the Rankine degree is defined as equal to one degree Fahrenheit, rather than the one degree Celsius used by the Kelvin scale. A temperature of −459.67 °F is exactly equal to 0 °R.

Complicated, huh?

Rankine source: Wikipedia