Monday, August 30, 2010

Scotties in CORALINE

Så du animasjonsfilmen CORALINE i fjor? Filmen er regissert av Henry Selick og er basert på barneboka til briten Neil Gaiman. Det er en "other-world" historie à la Narniabøkene til C. S. Lewis og ikke minst Lewis Carroll sin Alice in Wonderland. Karakterene Miss April Spink og Miss Miriam Forcible, som bor under Coraline, har mange skotter som figurerer i filmen. Skottene eksisterer både i den virkelige og ikke-virkelige verdenen. Jeg sier ikke mer enn - se filmen eller les boka!

Did you miss the film Caroline last year? It´s written by the Brit Neil Gaiman, and adapted to film by the American Henry Selick. The story´s protagonist is called Caroline, and much like the children in C. S. Lewis´ Narnia she has access to "another world". Miss April Spink and Miss Miriam Forcible are a pair of retired actresses, who live in the flat under Coraline's. They own many ageing Scotties, and talk in theater jargon, often refering to their time as actresses. They also have Scotties in the "other world". Read the book or buy the DVD!

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