Ved den internasjonelle utstillingen i Lommel, Belgia, søndag den 08.06.2014, vant Sir Darnley´s Windsor Wizard (Runehojs Galdur Ruben ex. Ch. Sir Darnley´s Rambling Ruby) Best in Show av 1165 påmeldte hunder.
Dette bildet viser rasedommer Isvan Csík og BIS-dommer Ronnie Doedijns. Gruppedommer var August de Wilde.
Gratulerer til oppdretter Maren Bichel-Schnock!
At the CAC-Show in Lommel, Belgium, on Sunday the 08.06.2014, Sir Darnley's Windsor Wizard (Runehojs Galdur Ruben ex. Ch. Sir Darnley's Rambling
Ruby) went Best in Show of 1165 dogs entered.
This picture shows breed judge Isvan Csik and BIS judge
Ronnie Doedijns. Group judge was August de
Congratulations to breeder Maren Bichel-Schnock!