Sunday, October 30, 2011
Saturday, October 29, 2011
First real meal
I dag, ved tre ukes alder, fikk T A T L E R-valpene smake på litt fast føde for aller første gang, litt rå kjøttdeig blandet med eggeplomme. Det synes de var deilig - det gikk rett ned!
Today, at three weeks of age, the new T A T L E R-puppies had their first taste of solid food. Raw minced meat mixed with a yolk of egg. They thought it was delicious - and lapped it up!
Converted garage almost complete
On Monday I´ll have new vinyl flooring laid in what once was one of my garages, and then - hey presto - my new grooming-studio com Scottie-room will be ready to move into. Can´t wait to get all my dog paraphernalia out of the house, and start to use my new room!
Friday, October 28, 2011
Bonnie at Open Show
Another untouched photo of Gerd Elin Böe´s "Bonnie". Ch. Dundee So Explosive (Ch So What Excalibur x Ch Dundee Masquerade Flirt) at a very wet Open Show at Mule Varde in Norway in May this year. Cindy Pettersson (So What) made her BIS out of 40 Scotties. In August she was made BIS again at the Swedish Scottie Club Show at Alnarp by Ann-Marie Rådström (Nicole), again beating over 40 Scotties. A wonderful, quality bitch with a massive Scottie attitude - I´m very happy she is the grandmother of my new puppies!
Monday, October 24, 2011
There is a First Time for Everything
Alle fire valpene fikk sin første ormekur på lørdag, ved to ukers alder. De likte det ikke!
All four puppies were dewormed on Saturday for the first time at two weeks of age. They didn´t appreciate it much!
Time for Tweed
Godt stoff. I Dagens Næringslivs D2-bilag sist fredag. En praktfull reportasje fra øya Isle of Lewis på De ytre Hebridene, og fra kanskje det mest ekslusive tweedspinneriet av dem alle; Harris Tweed. Fabrikken som engang hang i en tynn tråd, og mest ble forbundet med Miss Marple - er nå tilbake på catwalken og som gatemote!
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Study of a Head
Sitter ved valpekassa nå og nyter lyden av fire iherdige små vakumsugene skottevalper. Herlig!
A Row of Pearls
Ten day old jet black (well, except one) pearls.
I have decided on their "working titles":
Adam, Ascot, Adair and Agnes. Sunday, October 16, 2011
Ruby´s Bundessieger
Bundessieger og BIM til Hamish sin mor Sir Darnley´s Rambling Ruby i Dortmund, på fredag - Tysklands største kennelklubbsutstilling. Gratulerer til Maren Bichel-Schnock!
Bundessieger and BOS to Hamish´ mother Sir Darnley´s Rambling Ruby in Dortmund, on Friday - Germany´s largest Kennel Club Show. Many congratultions to Maren Bichel-Schnock!
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Friday, October 14, 2011
‘A’-litter pedigree
Her er stamtavla til mine nye valper - klikk på bildet for å forstørre. Bilder av valpene finnes på bloggen nedenfor. Kos dere med dette!
Here´s my new puppies´ pedigree - click directly on it to enlarge. You´ll find pictures of the puppies in the blog below. Enjoy!
Thursday, October 13, 2011
New T A T L E R litter
Lørdag 08.10.11 nedkom Lulu (Pocket´s Rocket - drettet opp av
Gerd Elin Bøe, Sandefjord) med fem valper: 4+1. Kullet var selvfødt og Lulu har
vært utrolig dyktig både under selve fødselen og også nå i ettertid som nybakt
mor. Forløsningene fant sted i helt rolige, og relativt udramatiske, former. Heldigvis! Fødselsvektene var svært jevne; mellom 225 og 256 gram.
Dessverre stod ikke livet til en av brindelhannene å redde,
til tross for massiv tålmodighet fra Lulu og iherdig innsats fra min side. Han
fikk et kort lite liv, stakkar, men jeg er rimelig sikker på at han aldri hadde
det vondt.
Jeg er utrolig takknemlig for at jeg sitter igjen med fire skjønne
skottebabyer; to sorte hanner, ei sort tispe og en brindle hannhund. Det er forbløffende å observere både valpenes, og Lulus, helt instinktive handlingsmønster.
I dag er de nye Tatlervalpene kun fem dager gamle og de
virker friske og sterke. Jeg håper selvsagt at alt går bra med dem i dagene og
ukene som kommer. Akkurat nå synes jeg ting ser lovende ut: De har alle lagt på
seg, de spiser godt og er faste og fine i kroppene.
Far til kullet er: SUCH NUCH Dundee Royal Excellence – drettet
opp av Christina Hüttner, Borås, Sverige.
Jeg blogger om valpene ganske snart igjen –
så følg med!
Lulu (Pocket´s Rocket – bred by Gerd Elin Bøe, Sandefjord, Norway) selfwhelped five puppies; 4+1 on Saturday the 8th of October. She has performed excellently – not only in whelping, but also now as a rookie mother. The deliveries were all very calm and quite undramatic. Thank goodness! The puppies weighed in at very similar weighs, ranging from 225 to 256 grams.
Sadly however, it was not possible to save one brindle boy – no
matter how patient Lulu was, or how much I struggled. He´s life certainly
wasn´t long a long one, but I´m confident that he never was in any pain.
I´m exceedingly grateful still to have four precious Scottie
babies; two black males, one black bitch and one brindle male. It´s quite amazing to watch the puppies´, and Lulu´s, totally instinctive pattern of behaviour.
The new Tatler-puppies are only five days old today and seem
to be thriving. Needless to say I sincerely hope that everything turns out well
for them in the days and weeks to come. At the moment I think things look
promising: They´ve all gained weight, they´re eating well and they´ve all got
firm and fit wee bodies.
Lulu was sired by: S+N CH Dundee Royal Excellence – bred by Christina
Hüttner, Borås, Sweden.
I´ll be blogging about the puppies again later this week – so please come back again soon!
I´ll be blogging about the puppies again later this week – so please come back again soon!
Pictures from Montgomery
Bilder fra årets Montgomery i USA / Pictures from this year´s Montgomery - Klikk på lenken / Click on the link:
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Lulu, lady in waiting
Lulu venter på at røntgenbildet skal framkalles hos dyrlegen sist tirsdag. Det viste seg at hun ventet fem valper. Far til valpene er SUCH NUCH Dundee Royal Excellence.
Lulu waiting at the vets for her X-ray results last Tuesday, which showed that she was carrying five puppies. Sire is S+N CH Dundee Royal Excellence.
Lulu waiting at the vets for her X-ray results last Tuesday, which showed that she was carrying five puppies. Sire is S+N CH Dundee Royal Excellence.
Aunt Rachel´s Scottish Highlander
Her er min mors tante Rachel sitt peissett i messing som forestiller en skotsk ‘highlander’ i full mundur. På baksiden henger alle verktøyene man trenger. Som liten pike har min mor alltid likt og kommentert mannen som stod ved peisen i en av tantens stuer. Selvfølgelig arvet hun den på grunn av dette, og nå har jeg den. Messing er jo ikke akkurat ‘en vogue’ i interiørsammenheng for øyeblikket, men jeg synes faktisk av highlandermannen gjør seg godt foran min store, sorte støpejernsovn. Også er den jo skotsk, sant?
I morgen har jeg sannsynligvis en hyggelig nyhet til dere - følg med!
This is my mother´s Aunt Rachel´s brass antique fireplace tool set. It´s shaped as a good old Scottish Highlander! All the fire irons are hung on the back of the man. As a little girl my mother always admired, and commented on, this set. It always was placed inside the brass fireplace fenders in one of her aunt´s reception rooms. Needless to say my mother inherited it, and now I have it. I know that brass isn´t neccesarily ‘en vogue’ in the world of decorating at the moment, but I like it, and think it looks well in front of my large, black cast iron stove. Besides; it´s Scottish, isn´t it?
Monday, October 3, 2011
Kennel Club suspends testing dogs for banned substances amid widespread 'cheating'
Owners will go to great lengths to achieve canine beauty Photo: RII SCHROER
The Kennel Club has suspended random testing of dogs for banned substances – such as hairspray – following a revolt by owners who say some of the practices are endemic and do not represent cheating.
By Jasper Copping
02 Oct 2011
With sports governing bodies clamping down on cheats using
performance-enhancing substances, this was the canine equivalent.
In a battle against the use of hairspray and other grooming products to enhance the appearance of dogs at its shows, the Kennel Club introduced random laboratory testing for banned substances at its flagship Crufts event this year.
However, the crackdown is now in disarray following a revolt by dog owners who
do not consider the tactics to be cheating.
Every dog to be checked at the event tested positive for banned substances, but, under pressure from owners, the Club has agreed not only to take no action against the offending dogs or their handlers, but also to suspend the entire testing regime.
The opposition has been led by a group of owners – nicknamed the "Elnett revolutionaries", after the popular hairspray brand – who are trying to force a changes in the rules to legalise some of the banned practices.
Owners of several breeds are suspected of using hairspray to keep their animals' fur in place and some openly admit to doing so.
Owners of some white-coloured dogs also apply chalk to cover blemishes on
their pets, while silicone gels are also suspected of being used to add
lustre of the animals' coats.
The testing regime introduced at Crufts was similar to that used in athletics,
with competitors selected for testing at random and escorted from the
competition area – in this instance the parade ring – to provide a sample.
Rather than provide a urine sample, hairs were taken from the dogs by
veterinary surgeons and were then sent to a forensics laboratory to be
tested for traces of banned substances.
Of the four dogs tested at the event, in March, two miniature poodles -
Glayvar Got Wot It Takes and a Swedish dog, Sandust Market Master - tested
positive for the presence of lacquer (hairspray) and two West Highland white
terriers - Karamynd Play The Game and Alfie The Prince of White Gallardo,
from Holland - tested positive for chalk, or a similar substance.
But around 2,500 owners signed a petition against the testing regime and at a
Kennel Club meeting on the issue attended by 300 members, a clear majority
backed calls for it to be halted.
The suspension will be discussed at another club meeting later this month at
which owners and breed clubs are to push for relaxation of the rules on some
banned substances.
As well as calling for greater leniency in what is permitted, they believe the
testing regime is flawed because animals could become "contaminated"
by other dogs, and "humiliating" for those who are escorted from
the parade ring to undergo checks.
Sandy Vincent, secretary of the Standard Poodle Club of Great Britain, said: "The
bottom line is that we've always used hairspray.
"We know it is against the rules but everyone has done it and done it
very carefully. There are lots of different breeds that do it.
"Whether you like it or not, dog shows are beauty competitions of sorts.
(The ban on hairspray) is like Miss World going in without her make up on."
Fredaricka West, honorary secretary of the West Highland White Terrier Club of
England, said: "We don't want people to think excessive use of chalk is
acceptable but a little bit from a chalk block should be permitted at the
show for last minute cleaning treatment – to tidy your dog up."
Jennie Griffiths, from Leebotwood, near Shrewsbury, and Anita Kuik, from
Dalfsen, Holland, whose terriers failed tests, said chalk was used, not for
cosmetic purposes, but as a recognised and approved part of the grooming
process - as in many other wire-haired breeds - and that it was impossible
to remove all traces before shows.
“It is not to alter the natural colour, substance of the coat or any of those
things,” Mrs Griffiths added. “Inevitably they were going to find grains of
chalk, any scientific test would.”
Christina Johansson, from Sweden, whose poodle Sandust Market Master tested
positive for hairspray, insisted she had not used the substance, and
believed the animal's coat could have been contaminated by spray used by
other competitors in the backstage area, or by material passed from other
dogs via the judge's hands.
"If someone uses lacquer, it ends up on all the dogs. I saw a lot of
people using spray, from all breeds. I do not use spray," she added.
The owner of the fourth dog declined to comment but is understood to also deny
any suggestion of cheating.
One possible compromise would be to allow hairspray to be used only on the
heads of the animals and for small amounts of chalk to be permitted.
However, Caroline Kisko, Kennel Club secretary, said its general committee
would have to approve any permanent change in the rules.
She acknowledged that the use of lacquer and chalk powder were common among
certain breeds. She added: "We believe it is cheating. The dog is not
showing its natural coat.
"A lot of owners feel this way as well and we have to take in all views.
We agreed to suspend testing but the regulations are still in place."
This article is from yesterday´s Telegraph/ Peter Denne artikkelen stod i gårsdagens Telegraph/Peter
This article is from yesterday´s Telegraph/ Peter Denne artikkelen stod i gårsdagens Telegraph/Peter
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