Thursday, July 28, 2011
Hudson - BIS veteran
Nordic CH, Nordic Winner-06, VWW-10 DUNDEE Dark Forest was BIS-veteran out of five veterans at the Swedish Scottie Club Show at Alnarp in Sweden in Saturday. 46 entries in total. He was also 2nd. best male - which perhaps is even more impressive. A great ten-year-old who still shows like a youngster!
DUNDEE - best breeder, Sweden
Kennel DUNDEE, best breeder at Swedish Scottie Club Show at Alnarp in Sweden last Saturday. Congratulations, Christina!
Bonnie - Best in Show
N + SEUCH DUNDEE So Explosive "Bonnie" was Best in Show of 46 entries at the Swedish Scottie Club´s Show at Alnarp in Skåne, Sweden last Saturday. Judge was Ann-Mari Rådstrøm (Nicole). Many congratulations to breeder Christina Hüttner, Sweden, owner/handler Gerd Elin Bøe, Norway, and a pat on the back to myself - Bonnie´s groomer since she was born!
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Friday, July 15, 2011
Christina and Roland´s new logo
Tidligere i år laget jeg logo for Christina og Roland Hüttners (Kennel Dundee) nye matbusiness. De starter opp ny virksomhet i ett av husene på deres flotte anlegg. Herfra driver de nå katering, og det er også plass til at Roland kan holde matlagingskurs på stedet. Nytt storkjøkken er installert, og lokalene er helt nyoppussede og er veldig "freshe" og flotte. Logoen skal bl. a. kommunisere; mat, friske råvarer og profesjonalitet.
This is the new logo I´ve made for Christina and Roland Hüttner´s (Kennel Dundee) new business venture.
This is the new logo I´ve made for Christina and Roland Hüttner´s (Kennel Dundee) new business venture.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Bonnie, ready for Alnarp

Bonnie (N+SEUCH DUNDEE So Explosive) is ready for the club show at Alnarp in the south of Sweden on Saturday the 23rd. of July. These photos are untouched. Doesn´t she look good? Bonnie is the mother of my girl Lulu; Pocket´s Rocket. Lulu´s father is INTUCH Norduch Nordv 07 "Terrier of the Year, Sweden, 2008" Dundee Black Wood.
Click of the photos to enlarge them!
Click of the photos to enlarge them!
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Hurrah for the 12th!
The Orange Order is the largest Protestant organisation in Northern Ireland with at least 75,000 members, some of them in the Republic of Ireland and in Scotland. Its origins date from the seventeenth century battle for supremacy between Protestantism and Catholicism. William of Orange (William the Conqueror), originally of the Netherlands, led the fight against Catholic King James. He took the throne in England and his final victory over James at the Battle of the Boyne in Ireland 1690 sealed the religion's supremacy in the British Isles.
Contrary to what most of Scandinavian media would lead you to believe; the Order is peaceful, and most of its members are neither extremists nor violent. Great traditionalists - yes indeed!
Hamish, five months old
Three untouched photos of a newly groomed Hamish (Sir Darnley´s Undercover Urchin), at five months old. He´s a bit wet-bellied on these photos, but I hope you all can see past this. Our "summer" thus far in this part of Norway has been quite damp. He´s a great wee guy, and a fantastic little puppy. I´m so happy with him!
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Wonderful results at WDS in Paris for Hamish´s mother!
Photo: Left: Valentina Popova with BOS and WW Filisite Brash Arty Beauty. Right; Maren Bichel-Schnock with Hamish´s mother Ruby - Multi CH. Sir Darnley´s Rambling Ruby
Maren Bichel-Schnock (Sir Darnley´s) is just back to Germany from the World Dog Show in Paris. My new puppy-boy Hamish’s mother Ruby (Multi CH. Sir Darnley´s Rambling Ruby) did really well: Ruby was Ex2 in Champion class (15 entries) with res. CACIB and Vice-World Winner! Ruby´s sisters Tasty and Truffle did really well too.
Many, many congratulations to Maren!
Thursday, July 7, 2011
I love Hostas, and so does Hamish
I love the luchious foliage the Hosta has. I also much prefer the single coloured leaves, compared to the types with lighter edges. These are going into a new flowerbed at the front of the house which only gets morning sun. Hamish has such good taste, don´t you think?. Good taste can´t be bought for money.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
I Have a Dream
In the words of Dr. Martin Luther King: I have a dream. A dream of a world somehow, someday, somewhere, in which more aspects of contemporary Scottie breeding are as I think they should be: A more natural world. A world with abundant fertility, no inseminations and where Caesarean sections are as common as cows flying over the moon. Any Scottie-lovers out there who share the same dream?
( B i g s m i l e ! )
PS: On the new earth, I doubt if I´ll be able to be unprejudiced against wheaten coloured Scotties! Please forgive me ;-)
Photo: Montage
The cost of grooming these days
Jeg var innom en lokal dyreforreting i morges som også har to jenter gående i en hundesalong bakerst i forretningen. Der tar de kr. 430,- pr. time for alt du måtte ønske deg av vask, føn og klipp - t.o.m. "napping" (!) reklamerte de for. Det betyr at man for full trim av den jevne lavbente terrier må betale den nette sum av kr. 1290,- for jobben. Godt at det finnes rase-entusiaster som kan gjøre det billigere, sier må jeg!
Monday, July 4, 2011
Another great new Scottie gift
Askebegeret i forgrunnen er en ny flott skottegave fra min mor og lillesøster. De fant den i Sverige i forrige uke. Tusen takk! Faktisk så er alle de tre oransjefargede skottetingene på bildet her gaver jeg har fått. Den til venstre er en nattlampe, men grønne øyne! Til og med bildet i bakgrunnen, en original serigrafi av den kjente kunstneren Victor Vasarely, er en kjær trettiårsgave som jeg har fått. Som dere ser har jeg dessverre ikke rukket å henge det - selv etter syv måneder i nytt hus... Bildet med de gamle fruktknivene har jeg laget selv, det hang tidligere i min gamle spisestue, men den passer ikke lenger inn der fargemessig.
The ashtray in the foreground of this picture in a new gift from my mother and sister - they found it is Sweden last week. Thank you! Actually all three of these orange Scottie-objects have been gifted to me. The one on he right is, in fact, a night light. Even the picture in the backbround, an original serigraph by the Hungarian-French optical artist Victor Vasarely, was a gift for my 30th. birthday, I haven´t had time to hang it yet, even though it´s seven months since I moved house... BTW: The picture with the two fruit knives I have made myself. It used to hang in my old dining room, but it doesn´t match the new colour scheme now...
Friday, July 1, 2011
SPEEDING ticket ll
Les hva Cindy Pettersson sier i et intervju jeg har gjort med henne for North Midlands Scottish Terrier Clubs årlige magasin, om den ideelle farten en skotte bør stilles ut med:
Peter: Da du dømte tisper på Scottie World Show i Danmark i fjor hadde du store klasser der du flere ganger stoppet utstillerne og ba dem om å senke tempoet i ringen. Hvorfor gjorde du det?
Cindy: Var ras har sin hastighet för att få ut det bästa av hunden. En skotte skall röra sig med kraft i steg, och med värdighet. Inte flänga runt ringen som om de vore på ”Speed”. Om inte handlerna kan detta, är det min uppgift som domare att stoppa och sakta av till korrekta rörelser, ofta hittar man då vad handleren ville dölja.Sjekk saken Speeding Ticket l, på:
NB! Personene i bildet er helt urelaterte til saken, bortsett fra meg selv, den i blå dress.
Read what Cindy Pettersson says, in an interview I just have made with her for the North Midlands Scottish Terrier Club´s yearly JOURNAL, about showing Scotties to their own advantage:
Read what Cindy Pettersson says, in an interview I just have made with her for the North Midlands Scottish Terrier Club´s yearly JOURNAL, about showing Scotties to their own advantage:
Peter: When you judged the Scottie World Show in Denmark last year I noticed that you on several occasions stopped whole classes - all the exhibitors - when they were on the move together in the show ring. Why did you do this?
Cindy: Every breed has an ideal speed that brings out the best in the specific type of dog. A Scottie should move with power in gait and with dignity, not leap around the ring as of they were on “Speed”. If the handlers are unable to figure this out by themselves, it is my task as a judge to stop the class and slow things down. Only then am I able to see the dog’s correct movement, and often what the handlers are trying to hide.
For Speeding Ticket l, go to:
For Speeding Ticket l, go to:
NB! Individuals in this photo are not related to this piece, except for myself, the guy in the blue suit.
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