Saturday, December 31, 2011

Last show of the year

N + SUCH Dundee So Explosive "Bonnie", ble BIR og 4. BIG på Norsk Dobermann Klubs utstilling i Letohallen 29.12.2011 for dommer Nemanja Jovanovic, som også dømte gruppen. NUCH Pocket´s Archie McDonald "Archie" (Ch. DUNDEE Black Wood x Ch. DUNDEE So Explosive) ble BIM. Det har vært et bra år for Bonnie med to Best-in-Show plasseringer på merittlisten :-) Grattis til oppdretter Christina Hüttner! Et bra år har det også vært for Archie, som etter all sannsynlighet blir Årets Skotte i år - for andre år på rad. Grattis til oppdretter Gerd Elin Böe og til eier Cille Jansholt!

N + SUCH Dundee So Explosive "Bonnie", was BOB and 4th BIG at the Norwegian Dobermann Club's show at Letohallen on the29.12.2011. Judging the breed was Nemanja Jovanovic, who also judged the group. NUCH Pocket´s Archie McDonald "Archie" (Ch. DUNDEE Blackwood x Ch. DUNDEE So Explosive) was BOS. It has been a good year for Bonnie with two Best-in-Shows on her list of merits :-) Congratulations to breeder Christina Hüttner! It also has been a good year for Archie, who in all probability will be this year's Scottish Terrier of the Year in Norway - for the second year runnng! Congratulations to breeder Gerd Elin Boe and to owner Cille Jansholt!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

New Timeline photo for Facebook


Sunday, December 18, 2011

Guard dogs

Three very preoccupied Scotties; Lulu, Travis and Hamish making sure the neighbour´s Border Collie behaves herself - and never, ever trespasses into their garden!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Ad in Norwegian Terrier Club magazine

Ingen av valpene er lenger tilgjengelig for salg, 
for bilder og mer info om dem klikk på:

All the puppies are now spoken for, for pictures and more info about them, go to:

Monday, December 12, 2011

IN THIS LIFE: What´s important. And what´s not

Lisbeth Bergan
1964 - 2011

On Friday I, very suddenly, lost one of my closest colleagues, Lisbeth Bergan. Lisbeth and I worked in a teacher’s team together, often doubling up and sharing classes. We were good together, and complemented each other’s field of subject well. She was an excellent teacher. Lisbeth was a couple of years older than I, and was only 47 years old. Her pupils, our department, and I will miss her terribly.

Also on Friday I captured this image (above) of Lulu sleeping in her all-time favourite vantage point. A combination of window sill and sofa. Her position seems quite uncomfortable, but somehow she always manages to get comfy and is totally content. It makes me so happy to see her happy, and to be frank, she is much more at ease there than in a show ring.

I few days ago Cindy Cooke (Anstamm) posted this on her FB-wall: As we try to breed show dogs, we often produce those near miss puppies - the beautiful ones whose teeth disappoint or whose temperament disinclines the dog to show in the ring. Our disappointments, however, become someone else's darlings. (...) In the end, all our dogs are someone's pets and it's a wonderful feeling to be able to make someone this happy. 

It's always been hard for my mother to understand how we can sell them. I always tell her that it's a godlike sensation of being able to bestow joy on a family (...)

Sometimes in life it’s important to stop and to contemplate on what really and truly matters, and what doesn’t. Both humanly- and "dog breedingly" speaking. To ambitious Scottie breeders everywhere, producing future show stars naturally is a huge driving force. But if we are totally honest with one another the more prestigiously insignificant elements of Scottie beeding often bring so much more joy.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

T A T L E R-babies at nine weeks of age

Nå er registreringsnavnene bestemt. Bruker britiske uttrykk, eller idiomer, som tema: Tickled Pink. Touch Wood, Teacher´s Pet og Treasure Trove. Valpene er ni uker gamle i dag.

I´ve decides on names. The theme is idioms this first time round: Tickled Pink, Touch Wood, Teacher´s Pet og Treasure Trove. The puppies are nine weeks old today.

Lulu (Pocket´s Rocket > Ch. Dundee Black Wood x Ch. Dundee So Explosive) selfwhelped this litter on 08.10.2011. For full pedigree go to:

Thursday, November 24, 2011

In-laws visiting from Sweden

Christina Hüttner (Dundee) from Borås in Sweden, visited yesterday to take a closer look at her dog´s (Ch. Dundee Royal Excellence) offspring in Norway. What a pleasant visit! At six weeks and four days of age we both are very happy with the "production". Thank you, Christina, for all your help and guidance before, during and after Lulu giving birth to her puppies. Much appreciated!

Baby shower

På barselsbesøk til Telemarksrivieraen og de nye TATLER-valpene kom i dag fra venstre: Else Marie Lund (Macody) fra Kristiansand S., Gerd Elin Bøe (Pocket) fra Sandefjord, Guri Hafsten Aalerud (Scanwayn) fra Nesbru, Gerd Anthonisen (Blackhorn) fra Oslo, Barbro Andersen fra Porsgrunn og Liv Scheflo tok turen over Frierfjorden fra Brevik. (Begge de to sistenevnte er medlemmer av utstillingskomiteen vår for Open showet). Takk for en hyggelig dag og for flotte gaver!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Big, big new world

Utendørs for aller første gang i dag - i fem-seks minutter - i en alder av fem uker og to dager. Sola skinte og Lulu passet godt på avkommet sitt. What a wonderful world!

Outdoors for the very first time - for about five to six minutes - at the tender age of five weeks and two days. The sun was shining and Lulu cared well for all her offspring. What a wonderful world!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

T A T L E R puppies at four weeks

Fire bilder tatt lørdag da de var fire uker gamle. Søte små tjukkasser!
Four pictures taken Saturday at four weeks of age. Cute little fatsos!

Gå til denne lenken for stamtavla/For pedigree go to:

Saturday, October 29, 2011

First real meal

I dag, ved tre ukes alder, fikk T A T L E R-valpene smake på litt fast føde for aller første gang, litt rå kjøttdeig blandet med eggeplomme. Det synes de var deilig - det gikk rett ned!

Today, at three weeks of age, the new T A T L E R-puppies had their first taste of solid food. Raw minced meat mixed with a yolk of egg. They thought it was delicious - and lapped it up!

Converted garage almost complete

On Monday I´ll have new vinyl flooring laid in what once was one of my garages, and then - hey presto - my new grooming-studio com Scottie-room will be ready to move into. Can´t wait to get all my dog paraphernalia out of the house, and start to use my new room!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Bonnie at Open Show

Another untouched photo of Gerd Elin Böe´s "Bonnie". Ch. Dundee So Explosive (Ch So What Excalibur x Ch Dundee Masquerade Flirt) at a very wet Open Show at Mule Varde in Norway in May this year. Cindy Pettersson (So What) made her BIS out of 40 Scotties. In August she was made BIS again at the Swedish Scottie Club Show at Alnarp by Ann-Marie Rådström (Nicole), again beating over 40 Scotties. A wonderful, quality bitch with a massive Scottie attitude - I´m very happy she is the grandmother of my new puppies!

Monday, October 24, 2011

There is a First Time for Everything

Alle fire valpene fikk sin første ormekur på lørdag, ved to ukers alder. De likte det ikke!

All four puppies were dewormed on Saturday for the first time at two weeks of age. They didn´t appreciate it much!

Time for Tweed

Godt stoff. I Dagens Næringslivs D2-bilag sist fredag. En praktfull reportasje fra øya Isle of Lewis på De ytre Hebridene, og fra kanskje det mest ekslusive tweedspinneriet av dem alle; Harris Tweed. Fabrikken som engang hang i en tynn tråd, og mest ble forbundet med Miss Marple - er nå tilbake på catwalken og som gatemote!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Study of a Head

Sitter ved valpekassa nå og nyter lyden av fire iherdige små vakumsugene skottevalper. Herlig!

At the box now listening to the persistent sound of four vacuum-sucking tiny Scottie puppies. It´s really quite relaxing!

A Row of Pearls

Ten day old jet black (well, except one) pearls. 
I have decided on their "working titles":
Adam, Ascot, Adair and Agnes.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Ruby´s Bundessieger

Bundessieger og BIM til Hamish sin mor Sir Darnley´s Rambling Ruby i Dortmund, på fredag - Tysklands største kennelklubbsutstilling. Gratulerer til Maren Bichel-Schnock!

Bundessieger and BOS to Hamish´ mother Sir Darnley´s Rambling Ruby in Dortmund, on Friday - Germany´s largest Kennel Club Show. Many congratultions to Maren Bichel-Schnock!

Friday, October 14, 2011

‘A’-litter pedigree

Her er stamtavla til mine nye valper - klikk på bildet for å forstørre. Bilder av valpene finnes på bloggen nedenfor. Kos dere med dette!

Here´s my new puppies´ pedigree - click directly on it to enlarge. You´ll find pictures of the puppies in the blog below. Enjoy!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

New T A T L E R litter

Please scroll for copy in English!

Lørdag 08.10.11 nedkom Lulu (Pocket´s Rocket - drettet opp av Gerd Elin Bøe, Sandefjord) med fem valper: 4+1. Kullet var selvfødt og Lulu har vært utrolig dyktig både under selve fødselen og også nå i ettertid som nybakt mor. Forløsningene fant sted i helt rolige, og relativt udramatiske, former. Heldigvis! Fødselsvektene var svært jevne; mellom 225 og 256 gram.

Dessverre stod ikke livet til en av brindelhannene å redde, til tross for massiv tålmodighet fra Lulu og iherdig innsats fra min side. Han fikk et kort lite liv, stakkar, men jeg er rimelig sikker på at han aldri hadde det vondt.

Jeg er utrolig takknemlig for at jeg sitter igjen med fire skjønne skottebabyer; to sorte hanner, ei sort tispe og en brindle hannhund. Det er forbløffende å observere både valpenes, og Lulus, helt instinktive handlingsmønster.

I dag er de nye Tatlervalpene kun fem dager gamle og de virker friske og sterke. Jeg håper selvsagt at alt går bra med dem i dagene og ukene som kommer. Akkurat nå synes jeg ting ser lovende ut: De har alle lagt på seg, de spiser godt og er faste og fine i kroppene.

Far til kullet er: SUCH NUCH Dundee Royal Excellence – drettet opp av Christina Hüttner, Borås, Sverige.

Jeg blogger om valpene ganske snart igjen – så følg med!

Lulu (Pocket´s Rocket – bred by Gerd Elin Bøe, Sandefjord, Norway) selfwhelped five puppies; 4+1 on Saturday the 8th of October. She has performed excellently – not only in whelping, but also now as a rookie mother. The deliveries were all very calm and quite undramatic. Thank goodness! The puppies weighed in at very similar weighs, ranging from 225 to 256 grams.

Sadly however, it was not possible to save one brindle boy – no matter how patient Lulu was, or how much I struggled. He´s life certainly wasn´t long a long one, but I´m confident that he never was in any pain.

I´m exceedingly grateful still to have four precious Scottie babies; two black males, one black bitch and one brindle male. It´s quite amazing to watch the puppies´, and Lulu´s, totally instinctive pattern of behaviour.

The new Tatler-puppies are only five days old today and seem to be thriving. Needless to say I sincerely hope that everything turns out well for them in the days and weeks to come. At the moment I think things look promising: They´ve all gained weight, they´re eating well and they´ve all got firm and fit wee bodies.

Lulu was sired by: S+N CH Dundee Royal Excellence – bred by Christina Hüttner, Borås, Sweden.

I´ll be blogging about the puppies again later this week – so please come back again soon!

Pictures from Montgomery

Bilder fra årets Montgomery i USA / Pictures from this year´s Montgomery - Klikk på lenken / Click on the link:

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Lulu, lady in waiting

Lulu venter på at røntgenbildet skal framkalles hos dyrlegen sist tirsdag. Det viste seg at hun ventet fem valper. Far til valpene er SUCH NUCH Dundee Royal Excellence.

Lulu waiting at the vets for her X-ray results last Tuesday, which showed that she was carrying five puppies. Sire is S+N CH Dundee Royal Excellence.