Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Hannah and Lisa visiting

My two nieces visited yesterday. The boys were 23 days old yesterday and are starting to make their presence being felt, and heard, in the whelping box. An enjoyable afternoon!

Friday, July 4, 2014

Kennel Tatler´s C-litter has arrived!

CAMERON AND CARSON, two of initially three boys (one boy sadly didn´t make it), were born on Saturday the 21.06.14. 

The litter´s sire is: J.CH Sir Darnley´s Windsor Wizard. The litter´s dam is: N SE CH Tatler Tickled Pink.

At a fortnight´s age both of the puppy-boys (one brindle and one black) are happy and thriving - something I am very grateful for!

For pedigree go to: http://tatler-scottie.blogspot.no/2014/06/tatler-c-litter-pedigree.html

Both of the boys are already spoken for.

Please CLICK on the image to ENLARGE!

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Sir Darnley´s Windsor Wizard wins second UK-CC!

Scroll for copy in English, please!

Maren Bichel-Schnock hadde en flott helg i England - både på Windsor Championship show og på Skotsk Terrier Club of England sitt Championship show, den 28.06.2014.

Far til mitt nye kull, Sir Darnley´s Windsor Wizard, vant certet, ble BIM fra Yearling Dog-klassen, på sistnevnte show. Dommer var rasespesialist Carol Annan (Lomondview). Det var total 76 skotter påmeldt. 

Dette er Windsor sin andre britiske cert-seier, og han er kun 22 måneder gammel.

Mange gratulasjoner til Maren!

Maren Bichel-Schnock had a great weekend in England both at the Windsor Championship Show and at the Scottish Terrier Club of England Championship Show on the 28.06.2014.

My new litter´s sire, Sir Darnley's Windsor Wizard, won the CC and went BOS, from Yearling Dog, at the latter show under breed specialist Carol Annan (Lomondview). The show had a total entry of 76. 
This is Windsor´s second UK-CC win at only 22 months of age.

Many congratulations!

Photo: Clair Chapman