Thursday, September 19, 2013

Like, share and WIN! (On Facebook)

Thank you for visiting the Tatler Scottie Blog!

For the story behind the Scottie-Piggy-Banks, one of which is the prize for my current competition on Facebook, go here:

Other TOP STORIES on the Tatler Blog are:
No 1. with more than 420 reads, is the story “Survival of the fittest?”
No 2. with almost 400 reads, is the story “Sir Darnley´s Undercover Urchin – BOS today”
No 3. with almost 350 reads, is the photo of a puppy called “Ascot” (Tatler Teacher´s Pet)
No 4. with more than 300 reads, is the “5-generation pedigree of my B-litter”
No 5. with more than 230 reads, is the story “Excerpts from four interviews”

TOP 10 VISITING countries are:
Norway with over 15 000 hits
USA with over 3000 hits
Sweden with over 1700 hits
Germany with almost 1400 hits
Russia with almost 1300 hits
UK with over 800 hits
Holland with more than 700 hits
France with almost 600 hits
Ukraine with almost 400 hits
Latvia with more than 300 hits

BEST PUPPY - Tatler Tweedbank at Feregait

CONGRATULATIONS! Tatler Tweedbank at Feregait was best Scottie puppy, of five, at the Darlington Championship Show (UK) last Friday, 13.09.2013. Well done John and Avril Herd!


An open bedroom door gives ample opportunity to give dad´s wardrobe a test drive for size and comfort. In total silence I might add - I couldn´t figure out where she´d gone. Agnes (Tatler Tickled Pink) certainly knows which side her bread is buttered on!

BOS Veteran, Hindås, Sweden

BOS and BIS-Veteran at Swedish Breed Club Show today 8/9-13: CH Dundee Obedient Waggler and CH Dundee Masquerade Flirt.
Judge: Gerda van Stuivenberg

Sir Darnley's Undercover Urchin

N+S CH Sir Darnley's Undercover Urchin was third best male today under Gerda van Stuivenberg at the Swedish Breed Club Show, 8/9-2013.

Tataler Tickled Pink - 2 x BOB

14 & 15-09-2013:
TATLER TICKLED PINK was 2 x BOB with 2 x CAC today (Norwegian Kennel Club/Rogaland, under Paula Heikkinen-Lehkonen - she also got her second CACIB as well today) and yesterday (Norwegian Terrier Club/Rogaland, under Lars Adeheimer). Didn't wait for the groups - she can win them later :-)
The photo is from last weekend at Hindås, Sweden, where she was second in Qualification Class ll, under Gerda van Stuivenberg.