TATLER TWEEDBANK: Min lovende Tatler-jente 'Bryony’ har forlatt Norge og kommet fram til sitt nye hjem i Skottland hos John og Avril Herd/Kennel Feregait. Jeg føler meg beæret og glad - og er utrolig takknemlig for min valps utmerkede nye hjem. Få oppdrettere noe sted kunne ønske seg et bedre et. Jeg håper naturligvis at hun vil gi John og Avril masse glede - både i og utenfor utstillingsringen i Storbritannia - i mange år framover.
Tatler-girl ‘Bryony’ has left Norway and arrived at her new home - of Feregait
fame - in Scotland with John and Avril Herd. I am delighted, honoured and most
thankful for her excellent new home. Few breeders anywhere could imagine a
better one. Needless to say I hope she will bring John and Avril lots of joy, both
in- and outside the showring in the UK, for many years to come.
Top photo: From right, John Herd, Avril Herd and myself in Norway
Bottom photo: Tatler Tweedbank, exported from Norway to Scotland, 19.02.2013
Top photo: From right, John Herd, Avril Herd and myself in Norway
Bottom photo: Tatler Tweedbank, exported from Norway to Scotland, 19.02.2013