Thursday, March 29, 2012

T A T L E R Treasure Trove

Nå har alle tre Tatlerguttene vært til første trim. Dvs. i dette tilfellet hadde matmor, Eva Fagerli Sæthren, trimmet på "Usquebaugh" et par ganger fra før. (Hun har tidligere hatt flere skotter fra Gerd og Jarl Anthonisen). Jeg synes alle valpene er veldig jevne og fine rent utseendemessig - og også temperamentmessig. Det skal bli moro å se hvordan det går med denne lille gutten i utstillingsringen i månedene som kommer.

All the three Tatler boys have now been here for their first trim. Well, in this case the boy´s mum, Eva Fagerli Sæthren, actually had trimmed "Usquebaugh" a couple of times before. (She has previously owned a number of Scotties from Gerd and Jarl Anthonisen). I think all the puppies are very similar in type and temperament. It will be fun to see how this wee lad fares in the ring in the months to come.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

New American blog

Søstrene Connie og Janet har startet en ny blog. Gå til: for å sjekke den ut!

The sisters Connie and Janet have started a new Scottie blog. Check it out on:

Saturday, March 24, 2012

T A T L E R Teacher´s Pet

T A T L E R Teacher´s Pet "Sid" was here today for his first trim - all the way from Stavanger. He was a good boy on the table, and has turned out well, I think. His proud owners Kristin and Douglas Meagher are on their way to relatives in Kristiansand tonight, so they won´t have to do the long trip in one haul. It was so nice to see them and Sid again! Sid is one of two black puppy boys out of my A-litter, born on 08.10.2011 (Ch. Dundee Royal Excellens x Pocket´s Rocket).

Friday, March 23, 2012

T A T L E R Touch Wood

T A T L E R Touch Wood "Andy" was here today for his very first trim. He is the only brindle puppy out of my A-litter, born on 08.10.2011 (Ch. Dundee Royal Excellens x Pocket´s Rocket). It was quite hard to present him well and take a photo in the mirror at the same time!!! I think he´s a lovely wee Scottie boy. His owner is Mette Bransdal from Sandefjord, Norway - she is a first-time Scottie owner and has fed him well!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

New Norwegian record

2011 was an excellent Scottie year in Norway. No less than seven litters altogether produced a total of 31 puppies. I think this is a new record! Well done to Marianne Wessel, Liv Lunder, Milena Buranello, Gerd & Jarl Anthonisen, Marius Kjos & Rolf Dahl and Guri Aalerud. If we keep this up we might well soon over take our "big-brother" neighbour in the east (the Swedes) in the not too distant future!

This painting, Brudeferden i Hardanger (The bridal voyage on the Hardanger fjord), is one of the best known paintings from the National Romantic period in Norwegian art. It is often re-enacted with live actors; in fact some people still get married this way! It was painted by Adolph Tidemand and Hans Gude.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Sweet Unity!

Min skjønne gutt Hamish sin like skjønne søster; Sir Darnley's Uncut Unity, ble plassert som nummer to (av åtte) i Special Junior Bitch-klassen på Crufts på søndag. Skikkelig bra jobba av Maren - jenta er bare lekker og Hamish er stolt av sin søster!

My lovely boy Hamish´s sister, the equally lovely; Sir Darnley's Uncut Unity, was second (out of eight) in Special Junior Bitch at Crufts on Sunday. Well done - she looked great, Maren!

Bonnie and Gerd Elin in STBEA´s Year Book

I årboka til den engelske klubben STBEA, er det i år både referert til, og bilde av, en nordmann! Tror kanskje det er første gang nettopp dette har skjedd? Siv Jernhake har skrevet et referat fra fjorårets dommerkonkurranse i Jönköping - der Bonnie (Ch. Dundee So Explosive) ble brukt som skottemodell. Artig sak - og flott bilde av Gerd Elin, Bonnie og Dan Ericsson!

In STBEA´s Year Book this year there is a picture of my good friend Gerd Elin Böe and her wonderful bitch Bonnie (Ch. Dundee So Explosive). I don´t think there ever has been a picture of anyone from Norway in previous club books. In the piece Siv Jernhake gives a good rapport on the Swedish Terrier Club´s Seminar last year in Jönköping - where Dan Ericsson precided. Bonnie had been invited to be one of two Scottie models - she´s gorgeous!

Tom Diederich´s new calendar

Doesn´t Tom Diederich´s new calendar look good in my hallway? It was nice to meet him and Martine at Crufts - nice (and talented) people!

Balmoral; a high in the Highlands

I denne ukes utgave av det erkebritiske magasinet Country Life har dronning Elizabeth åpnet opp sitt skotske slott Balmoral. Herlige bilder og en herlig artikkel!

In this weeks edition of Country Life the Queen as opened Balmoral for a photoshoot. Great pictures and a great article!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

My baby Agnes: BIG3-puppy

Tatler Tickled Pink "Agnes" ble BIG3-valp i dag for Petter Fodstad på Norsk Myndeklubbs valpeutstilling i Solberghallen. En flott dag!

Tatler Tickled Pink "Agnes" was BIG3-puppy today under judge, Petter Fodstad, at the Norwegian Sighthound Club´s puppy show at Solberghallen, outside Drammen. A great day!