Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Unity; Best Scottie-puppy x 2!

Unity (Sir Darnley´s Uncut Unity), my boy Hamish´s sister, has been to her first two shows. At the German Scottie Special in Battenberg she was Best Puppy in Show. Liz Bradley, England, was judging and gave Unity a very nice report.

On Sunday she was shown at the German Terrier Club Winner Show. There she was Best Scottie Puppy and also in the top three for Best Puppy in Show (with more than ten terrier puppies in the main ring). At this show another breed specialist was judging; Veli-Pekka Kumpumäki, Finland. 

Many congratulations, Maren!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Stephen Fry; computers and dogs

For some people, computers, digital devices and machines of the nature will be functional objects whose purpose is to serve by performing specifically needed tasks. If there is a little tweaking required to ensure that such functions can be better fulfilled, then so be it: let there be a little tweaking. For some people, people like Douglas (Douglas Adams – Hitchhiker´s Guide to the Galaxy - PRH) and me, the tweaking is the function. Using a computer to write a book, fill in tax returns or to print out an invoice is something you could do, but how much less fun than messing around. People like Douglas and me bond with digital devices as owners bond with dogs. Unless you are blind, or a shepherd, policeman or security guard, dogs do not have a function, they are there to be loved, tickled and patted – to bring joy.

Quote from the number one bestseller The Fry Chronicles by Stephen Fry

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Bruno Mathsson - a Swedish modernist

Bruno Mathsson (1907-1988) was a Swedish furniture designer and architect with ideas colored by functionalism/modernism - as well as old Swedish crafts tradition. Being the son of a carpenter, it was fairly obvious what work the young Bruno would choose. After a short time of education in school, he started to work in his father's factory. He soon found a great interest in furniture and especially chairs - in their function and design. Eventually he developed a special building technique for wooden chairs where the components were bent and glued under the action of hot water. He also designed houses in Sweden, Portugal and in the United States with frameworks of glass and steel.

These pictures are of the series og glass bungalows-in-a-row he, in 1955, designed, furnished and build in Kosta, Småland, Sweden. They are grade A listed buildings today.

The Scottie was one if the popular Terrier breeds in the 1950´s Scandinavia - and I think some of my pictures here almost recapture some of the `zeitgeist` from this wonderful era.

Source: Wikipedia
Photos: Myself

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Sollidens Palace

At HM the King of Sweden's summer residence on the island of Öland in the Baltic Sea. The Scotties felt right at home ;-)