Monday, December 12, 2011

IN THIS LIFE: What´s important. And what´s not

Lisbeth Bergan
1964 - 2011

On Friday I, very suddenly, lost one of my closest colleagues, Lisbeth Bergan. Lisbeth and I worked in a teacher’s team together, often doubling up and sharing classes. We were good together, and complemented each other’s field of subject well. She was an excellent teacher. Lisbeth was a couple of years older than I, and was only 47 years old. Her pupils, our department, and I will miss her terribly.

Also on Friday I captured this image (above) of Lulu sleeping in her all-time favourite vantage point. A combination of window sill and sofa. Her position seems quite uncomfortable, but somehow she always manages to get comfy and is totally content. It makes me so happy to see her happy, and to be frank, she is much more at ease there than in a show ring.

I few days ago Cindy Cooke (Anstamm) posted this on her FB-wall: As we try to breed show dogs, we often produce those near miss puppies - the beautiful ones whose teeth disappoint or whose temperament disinclines the dog to show in the ring. Our disappointments, however, become someone else's darlings. (...) In the end, all our dogs are someone's pets and it's a wonderful feeling to be able to make someone this happy. 

It's always been hard for my mother to understand how we can sell them. I always tell her that it's a godlike sensation of being able to bestow joy on a family (...)

Sometimes in life it’s important to stop and to contemplate on what really and truly matters, and what doesn’t. Both humanly- and "dog breedingly" speaking. To ambitious Scottie breeders everywhere, producing future show stars naturally is a huge driving force. But if we are totally honest with one another the more prestigiously insignificant elements of Scottie beeding often bring so much more joy.


  1. Wonderfully written, so sad and yet with a such a timeless perspective of life. My thoughts, P!
